Lappeenranta, Kangastuvankatu 3 A 16, 60 m2, 2H+K+S
Kangastuvankatu 3 A 16
60 m2, 2H+K+S
Information about the property
Apartment info
Housing costs
Security deposit250€
Water fee/person/month20€
Parking fees
- Autopaikkamaksu 1 12,00€
Apartment basic info
Housing typeApartment house
Energy classD
Apartment type2H+K+S
Living area60.00 m²
Own saunaYes
Separate toiletYes
AvailableAvailable now
Extra info
Smoking in our apartments
It has been a long-term policy of ours to make all of our new residential properties completely non-smoking. We are gradually making all of our apartments non-smoking; the agreements of new residents will forbid smoking in the apartments and on the balconies from 1 January 2021 onwards. The property may not be completely non-smoking due to other apartments that may be subject to old agreements with no smoking prohibitions.
Alterations made to this home
2006 ASTIANPESUKONE 2020 Keittiön ovet ja tasot (Asoetu)
Basic house info
- Form of housing Rental home
- Apartment count 17
- Building count 1
- Construction year 1998
- Staircases 1
- Elevators 1
- Energy class D
- Heating Kauko
- Parking spaces 17
- House sauna No
- Drying room Yes
- Broadband Elisa
- TV-antenna system Kaapeli
- CableTV Elisa
- Roof material Pelti
- House frame material Betoni
- Pets Allowed
Repairs made
2012 Kattoturvatuotteet ja räystäät 2018 Hissin hälytyspuhelin gsm muutos 2018 Ilmanvaihtokanavien säätö ja nuohous 2018 Sähköpääkeskuksen lämpökuvaus 2019 Ulkorakennusten ja -rakenteiden kunnostus, jätetilan kunnostus 2019 p-alueen maalaus 2021 Kattoturvatuotteet 2021 Rakennusautomaatio, lämmitysjärjestelmän tasapainotus ja säätö, lämmönsiirtimen uusiminen, patter... 2023 Sisävalaistuksen uusiminen
Assessment of upcoming repairs
2025 Peruskorjaus 2027 Ilmanvaihtokanavien säätö ja nuohous 2027 Lukitus 2028 Hissin modernisointi
Planning authoritative
Lappeenrannan kaupunki, Tekninen toimi, kaavoitus, Villimiehenkatu 1, 53101 Lappeenranta, 05 6161
Apartments and floor plans: Kangastuvankatu 3, Piharakennus, Kerrostalo
Apartment type 1 bedroom
Floor plan
Area 51 - 60m2
Apartment count 2 (Available 2)
Smoking in our apartments
It has been a long-term policy of ours to make all of our new residential properties completely non-smoking. We are gradually making all of our apartments non-smoking; the agreements of new residents will forbid smoking in the apartments and on the balconies from 1 January 2021 onwards. The property may not be completely non-smoking due to other apartments that may be subject to old agreements with no smoking prohibitions.

Kangastuvankatu 3 A 16 / pohjakuva
Not in scale